Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Just left the final turn-in session for the class.

Normally, shy as I am, I turn in my project and leave quickly and quietly. This time, I lingered. I ate cookies with endangered animals imprinted on them and looked carefully at the beautiful work turned in by my classmates. Even though I had witnessed the ongoing evolution of these projects throughout the term through presentations and small group meetings, this was the first time I really looked, saw the work.

I have a feeling that we are all so tensely preoccupied during the term on working on our own projects that we cannot fully invest the time and attention to truly see our classmates' work in full, to offer genuinely incisive and helpful appraisal. With the work done (as done as it was going to get, anyway) and everything spread on tables for all to see, I was finally able, with a previously unavailable degree of something resembling leisure, to appreciate the incredible hard work everyone had poured into these thesis projects. Varying degrees of technical wizardry, professional presentation, and thoroughness of process aside, everything I saw was amazing. The heart and soul, the sweat and tears, the hours and hours involved in all of it was on full display. The projects, the brandbooks, the buttons and stickers and postcards and countless details defy description. How do you accurately convey the depth of the labor involved with something as dull and multi-purpose as mere words?

Enough hyperbole. It was worth sticking around for a bit and sharing with one another. That's all I am saying. Thank you to Lis, thank you to my classmates for all their support and enthusiasm. Congratulations on jobs well done.

See you next term. I have to go clean a school now. I'll be thinking of you all while I'm there.

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